Mochas & Javas

I’ll be honest— this topic is a whole lot easier to do when it’s not 100 degrees outside. The weather in San Marcos this weekend was amazing! It was a little difficult to imagine getting a cup of hot coffee in the weather we’ve had the past few weeks, but now that fall is (sort of) coming, this will be easy!

The first coffee shop I chose to review is one of my favorites—Mochas and Javas on N. LBJ. I would say M&Js (I gave it that nickname; we’re on that level) is the place I frequent the most in town, which is due in large part to the fact that it’s located across the street from The University Star office (coffee is like water in the newspaper business). If frequent flyer miles existed in coffee shops, I would be well on my way to a lifetime supply of free white chocolate mochas. That’s how often I go here. I’ll try to be unbiased.

The Drink

Today was my lucky day apparently, as M&Js happened to be giving out these nifty little coupons in The Quad!

Smart marketing, although I detest needless use of paper. Save the Earth, people!

Smart marketing, although I detest needless use of paper. Save the Earth, people!

Normally, I would get a white chocolate mocha, but today I had to settle for its much less delicious cousin, the regular mocha. Hey, it was free. I liked the mocha for the most part, but it seems like M&Js uses cocoa powder rather than a syrup flavoring, and I could definitely tell the difference. The drink seemed a little grainy. I think this is just an issue with the mocha though, because I’ve never noticed graininess in my usual order. Overall, it was a good drink!

The Atmosphere

I love the atmosphere at M&J. It’s mostly lit with natural lighting and small lamps, which gives it a really cozy feel.

I love the industrial feel of the concrete floors and exposed vents!

I love the industrial feel of the concrete floors and exposed vents!

There are tables spread throughout the room, but my favorite area is the couches in the back corner. I feel like you can hide back there. It’s very cave-like. Very nice.

The Location

For me, you can’t beat the location of M&J. It’s right across the street from the music building and Trinity (home of The University Star), which makes it especially convenient for music majors or people who work at the paper. And, after battling construction woes all summer, it now features a brand new, colorful intersection at Sessom and N. LBJ! Glad it’s convenient again!

Do they carry The Star? Yes. Yes they do. I knew they were my fave for a reason.

Overall, I would give this particular visit to M&Js 3.5 out of 5 stars.

2 thoughts on “Mochas & Javas

  1. Mochas and Javas is so far my favorite coffee place in San Marcos… I love the atmosphere it offers, its chill and relaxing but its a great place to concentrate and do homework. I’m not much of an Alkek person so I do tend to go to coffee shops more, so I’m excited to keep reading your blog and find new study places. Great blog choice!


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